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Image by Ross Parmly


Reflecting on my journey, I find myself grateful for the diverse array of experiences during my undergraduate education at the University of Florida and as an International Scholar. First off, my involvement in cultural campus events, such as the AASA (Asian American Student Association) showcase, the dance performances with KUSA (Korean Undergraduate Student Association), and Holi, allowed me to not only learn about various cultures but also make new friends with others from diverse backgrounds. These experiences not only enriched my college experience but also broadened my cultural horizons. My coursework allowed me to see how various topics such as art and developmental psychology can have a more global connection which allowed me to have a greater understanding of the importance of international learning. 


In addition to coursework and extracurricular activities, my involvement in research has been a cornerstone of my undergraduate journey. From contributing to a published paper on zebrafish toxicity assessment at the UF Center for Human and Environmental Toxicology lab to serving as an undergraduate research assistant at UF's Brain Rehabilitation Research Center, I have had the opportunity to learn about the world of scientific research. I got to develop skills such as teamwork, scientific writing, and good communication. This experience has solidified my interest to continue to be involved in research in my future career plans. 


 My pre-health internship in Thailand allowed me to gain confidence in my ability to overcome challenges and not be fearful of the unknown. I was initially nervous to go to a foreign country for 7 weeks because I had never traveled on my own or to a country so far. It took 2-days of traveling, and a total of about 31 hours (including the layover) to get there!  I had to navigate instances of miscommunication due to not knowing the language, unique foods, and a completely different culture. The opportunity to work at Anuban Sanrak School helped me gain new insights into the intricacies of healthcare disparities and cultural differences in health practices. I enjoyed playing with the children and working with the teachers to create activities tailored to aid in the children's health and development.  During the program, I did make an effort to learn common words in Thai, such as "hello", "please" "thank you" and "goodbye". I was surprised by how welcoming and friendly the people I met were, even though I did not speak fluent Thai. They appreciated any of my efforts to speak Thai and encouraged, me to use the simple phrases I had learned. This made me more willing to continue to learn simple words and engage with others. On weekends, I was able to explore cities in Thailand, where I visited temples, tried new foods, and learned more about the country's history. I was able to create strong friendships with other fellow interns by learning how to collaborate with them to go on these weekend trips, we worked together to book accommodations, research activities, and plan out our transportation. This trip was unforgettable; the food was amazing, and the temples were gorgeous, but by far the best part of this experience was the relationships I made with the children, teachers, and other interns. By overcoming my fears and embracing the challenges of living in a foreign country, I further broadened my cultural horizons and gained a new perspective. This experience further confirmed an important belief of mine; that traveling is a necessary and important part of life, because how are you supposed to live in this world if you don't ever see it? 


In summary, from coursework that explores the connections of art, culture, and developmental psychology to hands-on experiences in public health and scientific research, each part of my education has contributed to my growth as a student, a researcher, and a global citizen. My UF and ISP global learning experiences have provided me with the experiences, skills, and confidence necessary to thrive in this global and interconnected world. As I prepare to enter the workforce after graduation, I know that the lessons learned and connections forged during my time at UF and as an International Scholar will continue to shape me throughout my life. 


Some of my favorite pictures from Thailand!


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